Why did you choose the nursing field? What qualities do you believe you posses that will enable you to preform effectively as a student and later as a practicing nurse? Any feedback suggestions?

Need advice on a personal statement for admissions to the nursing program. The questions are require Show more Need advice on a personal statement for admissions to the nursing program. The questions are required to be answered in this essay: Why did you choose the nursing field? What qualities do you believe you posses that will enable you to preform effectively as a student and later as a practicing nurse? Any feedback suggestions? Please be honest it wont hurt my feelings I just want to have a good personal statement! Thanks! Currently I am in my third semester here at ####. I am applying to the nursing program in hopes that I will be accepted for the fall semester. My dream of becoming a nurse came about a few years ago. I have had the privilege of being an at home mom to my four beautiful daughters for the past fourteen years. It is a job that I love and has provided me with many daily challenges as I am sure you can imagine. I worked at a large corporation when my oldest daughter was born. When she was four months old we received at the time devastating news she was blind. I knew that I would not be able to find adequate child care for my baby so I became an at home mom. Three more children came along so my at home mom adventure continued. They are all now in school and I felt it was time to do something for myself. I did not go to college after high school I got married. I have always felt a personal disappointment in myself for not becoming a college graduate. I promised myself that I would one day show my girls that education is extremely important as is to find something you are passionate about in a career. I wanted them to see how if I make my dreams come true they can too. My family has been so very supportive during this process I have missed cheer practices school events and many other things. They all seem to understand at the end of a day when I had a tough exam they always ask how I did I am so proud of them all for the sacrifices they make for me to achieve my dream. I grew up with two parents that are alcoholics proudly I can say both currently recovering alcoholics. I spent many days in my childhood and even adulthood caring for them from snatching bottles to going to hospitals and watching as they got administered the goody bag. The thing is these experience have guided me to the passion of helping others in the field of addiction. I always felt that I was good at that caring for people during the difficult times. I believe my years of experience can help others and their families. I need to obtain the knowledge. I have thoroughly enjoyed every new piece of information I have learned through my courses at JTCC and every day has brought a constant addition to my base knowledge. I feel studies in the nursing field will be indispensable to acquiring a deeper insight and better understanding of the world of addiction. I am one of the older students but that doesnt hold me back! Nursing also offers flexibility in the career field. The diverse field where nurses are needed seems to be endless this will help me as I get older. The technology in the medical field is ever changing and that intrigues me I am ready to learn and change with it. Show less




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