How will healthcare systems evolve to best leverage a global market for their services?
What will a growing share of healthcare dollars mean to the healthcare work force in a stagnant or slow growing general economy?
How will smart phones create new jobs in healthcare?
Will genomic research eliminate certain diseases by modifying a person’s DNA?
How will the massive chronic care needs of a ton of old people create new careers opportunities?
What new jobs may be created to best meet new consumer demands for more patient-focused care? Less institutionalization of the elderly? And better access to culturally appropriate care givers?
So what do you think? What’s the job market likely to look like for you in ten or so years?
Part 6A: The Affordable Care Act (2 pages)
What is the likely impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on healthcare access, cost, and quality?
Who is newly covered and how is this achieved?
What are exchanges and how are different States approaching them?
What does the Medicaid program have to do with the ACA? How will health insurance premiums be affected?
What variables are in play in the political debate over the impact of the ACA on cost, access, and quality of care?
What are some of the key implementation challenges facing state and national policy makers?
On balance, is the ACA a good or bad law? Provide a clear, fact-based, non-emotional justification for your conclusion.
Part 6B: Hospital costs (2 pages)
Hospitals account for the largest amount of healthcare expenditures in our system.
In your research, remember that the concept of “margin” refers to the difference between costs paid out by the hospital and revenue received as payment for those costs, and that of “Payment-to-cost” ratio is the margin expressed as a percent. A positive percent means that payments were greater than costs and a negative percent means that the costs exceeded payment.
What’s the big deal about hospital administrative costs and what, if anything, should be done about them?
(As you answer this question, it’s important to remember that the hospital’s administrative costs cover the salaries of healthcare administrators like you).