These commandments and rules need not be associated with faith and belief in a deity, they simply make sense

Medieval commentators of the Bible made a distinction Health and Nursing Essay

Medieval commentators of the Bible made a distinction between revealed commandments and rational commandments.  According to this division, rational commandments are commandments and laws that every society must adhere to in order to function well. These commandments and rules need not be associated with faith and belief in a deity, they simply make sense. Any person of a healthy state of mind knows them intuitively and abides by them. The commandments You shall not murder (Ex 20:13), and You shall not steal are good representatives of this category. In contrast, revealed commandments are rules and commandments that a person cannot know about unless told by a prophet. The prophet on his/her part must learn about them by way of revelation. Revealed commandments typically are the ones prescribing the cult. One such commandment is Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy (Ex 20:8). Others prescribe purity rituals and sacrifice, among others. Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper and Give you Original Paper? Medieval commentators of the Bible made a distinction between revealed commandments and rational commandments. This distinction was inspired by qurÿ??nic exegetes who divided the commandments in the Qurÿ??n into these two categories. According to this division, rational commandments are commandments and laws that every society must adhere to in order to function well. These commandments and rules need not be associated with faith and belief in a deity, they simply make sense. Any person of a healthy state of mind knows them intuitively and abides by them. The commandments You shall not murder (Ex 20:13), and You shall not steal are good representatives of this category. In contrast, revealed commandments are rules and commandments that a person cannot know about unless told by a prophet. The prophet on his/her part must learn about them by way of revelation. Revealed commandments typically are the ones prescribing the cult. One such commandment is Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy (Ex 20:8). Others prescribe purity rituals and sacrifice, among others




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