Computer crimes are offenses involving network or computer devices, whereby the computer may be used in the crime commission are targeted by the offender. Computer crimes can be defined as offenses committed against a person with the intent of causing mental or physical harm or destruction of the victim’s reputation.

Computer crimes cause serious impact to companies and the globe at large in 2015 a report established by McAfee was estimated to cause annual damage to the economy of the world amounting to $445 billion. For instance, a sum of about $1.5 billion was lost to online debit and credit card in the same year (Whitman, Mattord, Green, & Mattord, 2014). In 2016, the amount lost has been increasing every day such that in the report developed in 2016 it indicated that the amount lost had increased in such a manner that Jupiter Research estimated that cyber crimes could have reached 2.1 trillion loss by 2019. This paper will discuss three various types of computer crime which include Malware, Identity theft and scam. Examples of incidents of these crimes will be discussed and the impact they have caused the organizations.


A malware computer crime which is also known as malicious software involves computer programs that are designed in a manner that damage and infiltrate the computer without involving users’ consent (Chan, 2010). These crimes involve a variety of action that may be carried out in the computer or network such as spyware, viruses, Trojan, worms and rootkits among others (Whitman, Mattord, Green, & Mattord, 2014). There are various companies that have encountered malware practices which has caused various losses to the company.

The advancement and growing popularity of Android Company had also experienced increased chances of the company encountering malware practices. Cases on Malware increase with the popularity of android product in the market. For instance, malware incidents in 2012 added up to 238 and in 2013 it had increased to 804. This increase was encountered after there was a combination of new threats emanating from Apple, Microsoft, Black Berry OS and Nokia Axed Symbian platform. Studies about the mobile malware indicated that 97 percent are committed on Android devices (Jiang & Zhou, 2013). Studies have revealed that Android phones care be easily hacked with simple text. The Company imposes a 95 percent of hacking risks on its uses. This had led to the device requirement that they should be installed with antivirus and protective measures that minimized malware incidents.




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