Create a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws on the local, state, and national level.

Create a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and…

Create a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws on the local, state, and national level
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:● Describe generally the important roles played by policy and law in the health of individuals and populations● Differentiate among the three ways to conceptualize health policy and law● Compare the roles of federal and state government in the policymaking process● Examine the impact of interest groups on the policymaking processCourse outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment:HA415-4: Distinguishing the role of the local, state and national policy makers.GEL-6.6: Apply research to the field of study.It is important to understand the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws for the nursing home industry. Imagine yourself as a public speaker trying to simply explain this path on the local, state, and national level to a bipartisan group of nursing home administrators. Your explanation should show the story of how healthcare policy is produced and how that policy affects the nursing home industry.InstructionsCreate a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws on the local, state, and national levels for the nursing home industry. Research the path of how local, state, and national rules, regulations and laws are created and include the knowledge you find from this research into the visual depiction you create.




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