Demonstrate sound understanding of ethical theory (the ethical principles, utilitarianism, consequential ism are all ethical theories)

Please prepare for academic supervision by bringing comprehensive plans of your work and points for discussion to the group tutorial or your individual meeting.

If you need to check your understanding of an issue remember that the learning resources are on the VLE; the Articulate presentations can be played as many times as required. In planning your essay you should consider the following points:

??£ You should succinctly outline your topic.

o When deciding on a topic consider the everyday ethical dilemmas that occur in practice as well as the big ethical issues.

o A case from your own practice or a published case will give focus to your essay. 16

o Presenting your essay title as a question can also give help to give focus; check that you are answering the question.

o Clearly summarize your case or the issue near the beginning of your essay. Use an appendix only where you are addressing a complex topic which requires further factual information to facilitate understanding.

o Ensure that you explicitly identify why your case or the issue is an ethical dilemma.

o Identify the concepts (e.g. capacity, duty of care, quality of life) which apply to your dilemma and which you will need to address in your essay.

o Check that you fulfill your original aim and stay focused.

??£ You need to demonstrate sound understanding of ethical theory (the ethical principles, utilitarianism, consequential ism are all ethical theories) and/or legal case law as applied to your topic.

o You will not be able to address every theory. Choose one or two ethical theories and apply these to your essay topic, your academic supervisor will give you guidance regarding this.

o Ensure that any legal case law that you discuss is in context; be careful when using cases from international law.

??£ Your essay should have a logical structure.

o When you have identified the relevant concepts and ethical theory you will need to define them and apply them to your case.

o Consider a paragraph for each concept and aspect of the theory (e.g. autonomy, beneficence etc. if you are using the principles) that you have chosen. Give definitions and application within the paragraph and reach a conclusion.

o Lead the reader through your discussion by signposting your debate. You may wish to use subheadings in your drafts to assist you with the structure but remember to remove them before submitting your final draft.

??£ You need to present a balanced argument and a range of perspectives.

o Consider application of your concepts and theory from the viewpoints of all parties.

o Your points should be logical and reasoned.

o If you are passionate about or particularly close to a topic ensure that you don’t present an argument which is biased. It may be easier to choose a different topic.

17 ??£ Your essay needs to be evidence based.

o Ensure that all of your points are supported by evidence.

o Consider which guidelines may be relevant to your case or issue (e.g. from the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Department of Health) and ensure that you use the most recent ones.

o Use the most recent editions of textbooks and remember that you are more likely to find contemporary research and discussion in recently published journal articles. A bibliography must be used at the end




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