Describe how practice barriers affect healthcare financing/costs, access, delivery, and quality.
Discuss the status of implementation of the APRN Consensus Model in your home State .

(Mississippi). Discussion should include the following:
What titles are used for APRNs? Are all four APRN roles recognized in your state? If not, which roles are not recognized?
Is the term “licensure” used for APRN roles in your state (Mississippi)? If not, what term(s) are used?
Is a graduate or post graduate degree required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
Is national certification required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
Does APRN roles allow for independent practice in your state (Mississippi)? Not independent? No authority?
Do the APRN roles allow for independent prescribing in your state (Mississippi)? Not independent? No authority?
/2 Discuss the status of implementation of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) and/or enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC), and the APRN compact in your home State (Mississippi). Discussion should include the following:
Is your home State (Mississippi) a member of the eNLC? Is your home State a single state or multi state licensure State?
Is your home State (Mississippi) moving forward with eNLC? What progress has been made?
/3 Identify and discuss legislation in your State legislature (Mississippi)regarding the APN role.
Is there legislation currently being proposed in your state legislature (Mississippi)regarding the APN role? Is the legislation related to the APRN Consensus Model, eNLC, and/or APRN Compact?
Has there been previous state legislation that has failed? To find out, go to the state legislature websites and search for current state legislation. Use search terms such as ‘nurse’, ‘nursing’, ‘APRN’ etc.

For the forum discussions:
Each student will post an initial discussion post of 750-1000 words in the forum. Support your discussion with at least 3-5 references.
APA formatting with reference citations. Primary references should be timely, published within the previous five (5) years.
Submit initial post to prior to posting in forum. Do not post turnitin similarity report in forum.
No title page is required in the Forum.
Use heading consistent with rubric for initial post.
First person may be used.
Title initial post using title/brief description of selected provision.
Once you have completed your initial post, submit a PDF copy of turnitin report (initial post only) to the designated ‘Assignment’ area.
Up to 20% of the total points for this assignment may be deducted for an overall lack of scholarship to include: late posts, APA errors, grammatical errors, incorrect spelling, over the limit, failure to follow instructions, etc.

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January 20, 2018
In “Custom Essay”
Professional Roles and Responsibilities
January 17, 2018
In “Custom Essay”
Professional Roles and Responsibilities
January 17, 2018
In “Custom Essay”

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