Discuss birth order, family composition and how all of these relationships and dynamics have affected and continue to affect your development.

write an essay that will explore factors that affected your development during your early childhood years

Direction: For this assignment you will write an essay that will explore factors that affected your development during your early childhood years. This essay should be double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. When writing your essay, consider the following questions: What is your earliest memory? (When my middle sister two years younger then me was brought home and I asked whats that) Where did you grow up? (Boston MA with two younger sisters) Who did you live with during these years? (Mom, Dad (Doctor), Two younger sisters) Did you have siblings? If you are an only child, write about your experience as an only child. If you have half siblings, cousins, or stepsiblings, write about those experiences as well.(Two younger sisters – Two and Five Years – all played sports but I was constantly put in charge of taking care of them) Discuss birth order, family composition and how all of these relationships and dynamics have affected and continue to affect your development.(Oldest, always taking care of the younger ones because I was more mature. To this day I am still taking care of them while my parents baby the other two) Did you attend pre-school or childcare? (pre-school – half day) What was your favorite toy? (My hockey stick) What was your favorite food? (Mac and Cheese) Did you have any non-normative events occur during this time in your life? (9/11 – My uncle was staying in between the two towers and we didn’t know if he was alive or not for two days. My dad went to find him, He survived but I remember trying to get my sisters calm while my mom cried. They didn’t know what was going on but I did. We have also had deaths in the family where I have been the one holding my mom up and my sisters as well and alter leaning on my dad to grieve) What was your fondest memory? (whenever my dad happen to come home early I would catch him and ask him to help me with my shot for hockey. It always ended up in a scrimmage between me and him before he had to go back to work) Sources: http://nieer.org http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs http://www.aap.org I just finished my masters but am going into nursing so am taking undergraduate courses.




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