Discusses learning outcomes and provides example of one properly written goal; goal must be written using proper format for full credit


Discusses learning outcomes and provides example of one properly written goal; goal must be written using proper format for full credit 5 0 Does not understand this at all according to what was written in the paper.
Does not provide a properly written goal for teaching. Examples of goals:
At the end of the teaching session, the patient will…
~accurately draw up prescribed dose of insulin.
~accurately state 3 side effects of diuretic medication that should be reported to the healthcare provider.
~identify from a list of foods, foods that are high in potassium.
~select from a sample menu, foods that are appropriate for a bland diet.
Identifies and discusses teaching strategies/methods; preparation of environment and client, as well as the use of resource materials 5 1 See paper; almost all of this is missing.
Teaching strategies include hands-on, demonstration, group classes, audio tapes, videos, computer software/games, etc. Teaching strategies are selected based on your assessment of preferred learning. Information is repeated throughout paper and is scattered and this makes it difficult to find required elements.
Other information missing here as well.
Discusses how to select an appropriate online resource for clients; provides one appropriate online resource for clients 5 0 Missing; see information below at end of rubric.

Discusses evaluation of learning and its relationship to properly written goal/outcome 5 2 Student does not understand this; serious errors present.
Provides a summary of the teaching process 5 4 Paper lacks proper organization and paragraphs and it is impossible to tell where a summary may begin. I gave benefit of the doubt here.
Includes two references; one from a peer-reviewed nursing journal. Uses APA format for citations and reference page. 5 2.5 Both references are books written for nursing instructors and neither addresses client-teaching in the clinical environment. Neither is an article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal as required on the rubric.
Did you purchase or borrow both of these books and read them? If not, what chapters did you use?

Paper is written in Standard English; three pages double-spaced (not including cover or reference pages); contains minimal errors in spelling or grammar 5 4 .
Many errors present.
Total 50 16.5 Paper was one of the most difficult papers I have graded for the teaching process. I strongly urge student to seek assistance with sentence and paragraph structure, paper writing, word selection and meaning, and APA. I strongly urge student to utilize the assignment rubric for future papers.




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