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Summer Dru Dunshee
MondayLocal: Mar 18 at 10:23am
Course: Mar 18 at 9:23am
Summer Dunshee

Module 3: Discussion Post

Peer-Reviewed Article of Interest

Kernaghan, K., & Hurst, K. (2023). Reducing violence and aggression: a quality improvement project for safety on an acute mental health ward. BMJ open quality, 12(4), e002448. to an external site.

This peer-reviewed article is helpful for my psychiatric nurse practitioner studies and profession because it addresses the genuine concern of how to feel safe as a clinician in the acute mental health setting. Accessing evidence-based peer-reviewed articles from systematic research specific to identified gaps in current nursing practice is critical to transforming patient quality of care (AL-Jundi & Sakka, 2017). This article was found in the Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Plus bibliographic research database, a comprehensive portal for full-text published scholarly articles specific to biomedicine, health science, nursing, and alternative health (Hopia & Heikkila, 2019)). The Plus refers to access to full-text articles and more indexing of records, journals, and more detailed content. I chose the CINAHL Plus database because it has been available since 1961 and provides access to more than 3,800 journals for nursing and allied health research (Dhippayom et al., 2023).

Searching for Articles

I searched the Walden Library web page through the CINAHL Plus database. I found my article using the Boolean phrases psychiatry, violence, and staff safety. I would only be able to access the full text of this article with Walden University access. Many CINAHL articles expect a fee for access unless you are affiliated with a university or Company that has access. This article required using Walden Library’s advanced search box with Boolean phrases, the specification of peer-reviewed articles, and the date range (Walden University, n.d.). I would recommend the CINAHL Plus database to search for health-related articles because there are so many to choose from compared to other large, more general databases.

Clinical Use

I recommend the CINAHL and CINAHL Plus databases to colleagues because they are curated and operated by private corporations, so they are not required to publicize their journal selections by an advising board. CINAHL indexes their journals as high impact, reputable subject indexes, peer-reviewed, and article quality. CINAHL is so prominent that it can make quality article selections and was found to have no predatory articles compared to MEDLINE and Scopus databases (Oermann et al., 2021). A potential concern about using CINAHL is their reduced supply of unique research articles that could provide more nuanced information on health services interventions (HSI) (Dhippayom et al., 2023). I suggest that psychiatric colleagues access PsycINFO and Psychiatry Online databases that may offer articles more specific to mental health research. Articles that provide a range of information on a topic with varying points of view allow one to formulate their insight by synthesizing what is already known (Shellenbarger, 2016).

Recommending CINAHL Database

CINAHL is an essential database for scholarly, evidence-based research specific to Nursing and the health sciences. It focuses on my professional interest and provides many vetted sources. The search design and tools have options such as “Suggest Subject Terms,” “Proximity Search,” “Search History, and folders to organize articles. Compared to Google Scholar and Primo Search databases, CINAHL allows for subject-specific searches (Hopia & Heikkila, 2019). Unfortunately, CINAHL is generally connected to research institutes and is hard to access outside higher learning without paying a fee. If one has access to CINAHL and CINAHL Plus, there are great resources for expanding one’s professional practice with the most up-to-date knowledge in nursing and the health sciences.


Academic guides: Subject research: Nursing: Home. Home – Subject Research: Nursing – Academic Guides at Walden University. (n.d.).

Al-Jundi, A. (2017). Critical appraisal of Clinical Research. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH.

Databases A-Z. (n.d.).

Dhippayom, T., Rattanachaisit, N., Wateemongkollert, A., Napim, R., & Chaiyakunapruk, N. (2023). Should Cinahl be used as one of the main databases for the synthesis of evidence for health services intervention? Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods, 1(5).

Hopia, H., & Heikkilä, J. (2019). Nursing research priorities based on CINAHL DATABASE: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(2), 483–494. to an external site.

Oermann, M. H., Wrigley, J., Nicoll, L. H., Ledbetter, L. S., Carter-Templeton, H., & Edie, A. H. (2021). Integrity of Databases for Literature Searches in Nursing: Avoiding Predatory Journals. ANS. Advances in nursing science, 44(2), 102–110. to an external site.

Shellenbarger, T. (2016). Simplifying synthesis. Nurse Author & Editor, 26(3), 1–10.




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