Selected topic: City of refuge in Atlanta, Georgia
This is what the professor wants to be included in this Journal: City of Refuge appears to be the better, but you will need to find their internal stakeholders among others. The only list the CEO and no one else. The board members listed are the hierarchy. You will also need to find the external stakeholders. Listing the largest donors should work well.
Journal Assignment:
Logic Model
[WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]
Prior to beginning work on this journal, please read the following from the Developing an Effective Evaluation Report: Setting the Course for Effective Program EvaluationLinks to an external site. workbook:

Step 3: 2.1 Checklist for Assessing Your Evaluation Questions (p. 49)
Logic Models: OSH and DNPAO Logic Model Examples (pp. 65 to 68)

Also review the Week 3 Logic Model Example Download Week 3 Logic Model Example. Logic models are very important to the evaluation process. They help to provide a clear picture of the different components of the program and how they lead to the intended program outcomes.


In your Week 3 journal you must complete the following:

Create a logic model diagram for your chosen public health program.
Remember to create individual cells for each input, activity, and so forth, And then utilize arrows or lines to show how those cells are connected.
See the Week 3 Logic Model Example Download Week 3 Logic Model Examplefor assistance and the Healthy Homes Pilot EvaluationLinks to an external site. logic model diagram example.
Graph all components (inputs, resources, activities, outputs, short-term outcomes, and long-term outcomes).
Don’t forget to utilize the examples on pages 65 to 68 of Developing an Effective Evaluation Report: Setting the Course for Effective Program EvaluationLinks to an external site. as a guide for creating your logic model diagram. If you are using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, these designs are available under “Insert” and then “SmartArt.”
Develop a script once the logic model is made that addresses the components of the video presentation below.
Select a screencast program (Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, PowerPoint, etc.).
See the UAGC Guide: How to Create a Screencast using PowerPointLinks to an external site., the Jing Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site., or the Screencast-O-Matic Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site. for assistance.
Create a video presentation (between 3 to 5 minutes of at least four slides).
Describe the rationale behind the components you have included in your logic model diagram, and
Explain how they connect with your chosen program.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the intended outcomes of the program in contributing to the improvement of the health of the program’s audience.
Assess how the use of a logic model will help you in your evaluation of your chosen public health program.


Submit a script of your screencast narration:

Your script should be a minimum of two pages in length in a typed Word document. Please use Slide 1, Slide 2, a so forth headings to provide clarity. Make certain to include a working URL to your screencast at the top of the page

Upload the assignment to both Waypoint and Folio adhering to the following requirements:

Your submission should be a minimum of two pages in length
Utilize at least two credible sources and have APA Style in-text citations and reference entries formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. guide.
I am attaching an example of the MPH Logic Model in the upload files section




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