Numerical data, measured in quantitative terms, reveals trends and patterns over time. For example, testing a new fall-prevention program within your hospital would require you to obtain a baseline fall rate before the program and then again after implementation of the program. Statistically, you could compare rate of falls before the new program with the rate of falls after the new program.

In your initial post, discuss the following:

1. Provide an example of quantitative research.
2. Identify which type of quantitative research design is being used.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the design?
4. How do statistical conclusions, validity, and reliability impact a study’s potential to provide an evidence-based practice solution?


In response to two of your peers, identify potential threats to the validity of the research example. If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice?


Quantitative research is a methodical examination of phenomena through the collection of measurable data and the application of computational, mathematical, and statistical methods. It is employed to measure and analyze views, behaviors, attitudes, and other specific variables, and draw conclusions that can be applied to a broader population sample. A researcher conducts an empirical investigation to ascertain whether a novel pedagogical approach surpasses the existing method in enhancing students’ mathematical performance. An experiment called a randomised controlled trial (RCT) was carried out on a group of 120 patients who are HIV positive and receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in a clinic located in the urban area of Mombasa, Kenya. The intervention consisted of at least seven sessions of multidimensional, person-centered care provided by HIV nurses who were trained in the palliative care approach. The intervention was conducted over a span of 5 months. The study reports the rates at which participants were recruited and declined to participate, the effectiveness of the randomization process, the level of follow-up and attrition in the trial, and the extent to which data was missing (Lowther et al., 2014).

The design employed in this instance is TOPCare is a comprehensive study that combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods. It includes a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and qualitative interviews conducted with a subset of participants from the trial. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are prospective studies designed to assess the efficacy of a novel intervention or treatment. While individual studies may not definitively establish causality, the process of randomization helps minimize bias and offers a robust method for investigating cause-and-effect relationships between an intervention and its outcome (Hariton, 2018).

Advantages of the Design:

1. Causality: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have the ability to establish causal relationships between variables.
2. To reduce bias, random assignment is used to ensure that any disparities in outcomes are solely attributed to the intervention rather than pre-existing distinctions between groups.
Disadvantages of the design:

1. Time and Cost: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) can incur significant expenses and require a substantial amount of time to complete.
2. Ethical considerations arise when contemplating the withholding of a potentially advantageous intervention from the control group.
Statistical inferences, the soundness of findings, and the consistency of results are essential for a study’s ability to offer a solution based on empirical evidence. Statistical conclusions, these are the findings obtained from the statistical analysis of the gathered data. If the statistical analysis indicates a significant disparity between the experimental and control groups, it implies that the new teaching method is more efficacious. Validity pertains to the degree to which a test accurately assesses the specific construct it claims to assess. When a study has high validity, it means that the results can be directly applied to real-world situations (external validity) and that the study accurately measures the effectiveness of teaching methods (internal validity). Reliability pertains to the degree of consistency in the research. If the study is deemed reliable, it indicates that if the study were to be replicated under identical conditions, it would yield consistent results. Ultimately, a study that possesses rigorous quantitative conclusions, significant validity, and high dependability can offer a solid evidence-based practice solution. If the proposed method of instruction is determined to be considerably more efficient, it could be implemented as a new standard approach in teaching mathematics.


Hariton, E. Locascio, J.J. (2018). Randomised Controlled Trials – The Gold Standard for

Effectiveness Research. National Library of Medicine.

Lowther, K., Higginson, I.J., Simms, V. et al. (2014). A randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of a nurse-led palliative care intervention for HIV positive patients on antiretroviral therapy: recruitment, refusal, randomisation and missing data. BioMed Central. https://doiorg/10.1186/1756-0500-7-600

Required Resources that may or may not help:

Textbook: Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, Chapters 8, 9, 13, and 14
Description: These chapters will provide you the basics of quantitative research, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

This Shapiro Library resource provides descriptions and examples of four different types of quantitative research design. The information will be useful in completing Milestone Four.





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