One of these mini-posters must be designated as coming from outside your specialty area (for example, if you are currently enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Nursing you will be required to review one Emergency Nursing mini-poster).
Mini-posters will be made available via the eLearning site for this unit of study. Mini-posters will be identified by title and specialty. Following submission you will be required to select a minimum of two mini-posters to review. One of these mini-posters must be designated as coming from outside your specialty area (for example, if you are currently enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Nursing you will be required to review one Emergency nursing mini-poster and one ICU nursing poster). For each mini-poster reviewed, post a considered comment/questions on the eLearning discussion list titled Mini-posters. In the subject heading insert the title of the mini-poster and author’s name to allow for quick identification. It is important that each of these postings represent some thoughtful consideration of the topic. You can use this as an opportunity to seek clarification or to respectfully challenge what is written. Please include references where appropriate. Postings must adhere to conventions of net etiquette.
Instruction for preparation:
Mini-posters will be made available via the eLearning site for this unit of study. Mini-posters will be identified by title and specialty. Following submission you will be required to:
1. Select a minimum of two mini-posters to review. One of these mini-posters must be designated as coming from outside your specialty area (for example, if you are currently enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Nursing you will be required to review one Emergency Nursing mini-poster).
2. For each mini-poster reviewed, post a considered comment or question on the eLearning discussion list titled Mini-posters. In the subject heading insert the title of the mini-poster and author’s name to allow for quick identification.
3. Continue to monitor this discussion list. Respond to a minimum of two postings made for your mini-poster.
It is important that each of these postings represent some thoughtful consideration of the topic. You can use this as an opportunity to seek clarification or to respectfully challenge what is written. Please include references where appropriate. Postings must adhere to conventions of net etiquette.
i will upload 2 mini posters- i need a response in 350 words for each poster+ 3 or more references. it should be a friendly response (i failed my first assignment, which worth 40%).