prepare schedule M-1 reconciling net income per book to taxable income to the year ended Dec 31, 2015.prepare schedule M-1 reconciling net income per book to taxable income to the year ended Dec 31, 2015

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prepare schedule M-1 reconciling net income per book to taxable income to the year ended Dec 31, 2015

Technology: A Pllot Study to Improve
Cara/ise W. Hunt
Bonnie K. Sanderson
Kathy lo Ellison
ccording to the American
A Diabetes Association (ADA, Technology may assrst people llvmg w1th type 2 diabetes w1th self-
2013a), 25.8 million peOple management. A pilot study that used Apple® iPad® technology to
1n the UnltEd States currently are support diabetes self-management is described.
living with diabetes. Approximately
90%-95% of these have type 2 dia-
b t T2DM .If t d
erelyesd(iabetes)leaclllsotonrlreilllle’ltiggle 1:235 CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases. Technological interventions offer
plications including heart disease Search terms included diabetes self- promise for enhancing self-efficacy
stroke high blood pressure kidney management, diabetes self-manage- and support for diabetes self-man-
disease blindness and limb ampu- ment behaviors, diabetes and self-efi‘i- agement. One study evaluated three
tation ‘ Management of diabetes cacy, and diabetes and technology. different methods of diabetes educa-
requires participation in a multifac- Research indicates self-efficacy is tion delivery, including two different
eted program The complex nature linked closely to diabetes self-man- web interactive methods and a tradi-
of diabetes treatment plans makes it agement, with higher levels of self- tional face-to-face education (Pacaud,
difficult for people living with dia- efficacy being related to increased Kelley, Downey, & Chiasson, 2012).
betes to understand and maintain participation in diabetes self-man- Improvements in diabetes knowl-
daily self-management (Sevick et agement behaviors (King et al., edge, self-efficacy, and self-manage-
a1 2008) Technology may assist 2010; Lanting et al., 2008; O’Hea et ment were noted for all three meth-
with processing the complexities of al., 2009). Methods to promote self- ods. Significant correlations were
a self-management plan by provid- efficacy in persons with diabetes found between higher website
ing education and visual feedback have the potential to improve dia- usage and higher diabetes knowl-
of self-management behaviors betes self-management, thereby edge, self-efficacy scores, and meta-
improving overall disease control. bolic control. Researchers conclud-
Technology is being used increas- ed diabetes education delivered
REVIEW Of Literatu re ingly to assist people living with electronically can be as effective as
People living with diabetes are diabetes with self-management. the traditional face-to-face delivery
encouraged to follow a healthy diet New technological advances can method and may offer options for
monitor blood glucose exercise, improve self-management by en- meeting the increasing demands for
take prescribed medications and couraging patients to participate in diabetes self-management educa-
monitor for diabetes-related, com- practices and routines related to tion.
plications by daily inspecting skin their illness and providing educa- Another study evaluated the effect
and feet and obtaining an annual tional and motivational support for of a text message-based diabetes
eye examination (ADA, 2013b). day-to-day diabetes management. program on diabetes management
Self-care management interven-




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