You are a psychiatric mental-health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) at a clinic that provides telehealth services to multiple locations; as a result, the clinic serves a diverse patient population. You have decided to create training material to improve prescribing practices among clinicians in the organization.

Design an educational pamphlet geared toward medical professionals that explains what to take into consideration when prescribing to different patient populations. The pamphlet will be available to all disciplines, even if they do not prescribe medication. At a minimum, the pamphlet should include:

Description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for child and adolescent patients with examples of how this impacts prescribing and supported by evidence.
Description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for geriatric patients with examples of how this impacts prescribing and supported by evidence.
Discussion of factors to be considered when providing safe, effective, culturally competent care for patients of different cultures and ethnicities, including specific examples and supported by evidence
The pamphlet should be professional, appropriate for the target audience, and supported by evidence.
Educational Pamphlet
Educational Pamphlet
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Child & Adolescent
5 to >4.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Detailed description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for child and adolescent patients supported by substantial evidence and examples.
4 to >2.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Accurate description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for child and adolescent patients supported by strong evidence and at least one example.
2.5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Vague description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for child and adolescent patients supported by minimal evidence and/or lacking examples.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Geriatrics
5 to >4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Detailed description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for geriatric patients supported by substantial evidence and examples.
4 to >2.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Accurate description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for geriatric patients supported by strong evidence and at least one example.
2.5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Vague description of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations for geriatric patients supported by minimal evidence and/or lacking examples.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKnowledge: Prescribing Considerations
5 to >4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Extensive discussion of factors to be considered when providing safe, effective, culturally competent care for patients of different cultures and ethnicities; supported by substantial evidence and examples.
4 to >2.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Accurate discussion of factors to be considered when providing safe, effective, culturally competent care for patients of different cultures and ethnicities; supported by some evidence and at least one example.
2.5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Vague discussion of factors to be considered when providing safe, effective, culturally competent care for patients of different cultures and ethnicities; supported by minimal evidence and/or lacking examples.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat
5 to >4.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Demonstrates thorough preparation, synthesis and meets scholarly expectations. Brings appropriate outside materials into the assignment. Meets the deadline as outlined by course requirements. Includes in text citations and references using APA format.
4 to >2.5 pts
Meets Expectations
Demonstrates some preparation and generally meets scholarly expectations. Brings outside materials to class but may lack appropriateness. May be delayed in submission as outlined by course requirements. APA formatting errors in citations and references.
2.5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Demonstrates inadequate preparation and minimally meets or does not meet scholarly expectations. Lacks supporting outside materials and/or is delayed in submission. Lacks citations and references or has numerous errors in citations and references.
5 pts
Total Points: 20




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