ITM 205 Module 4 Session Long Project Assignment List, Tuples, Strings, Classes, and Inheritance
For SLP 4, you will use Shaw’s e-textbook. You need to review Exercise 40 and code the “A First Class Example” and complete Exercise Drill #1 and #2 and modify the exercise to include a poem of your choice. You would need to copy the exercise’s code as it is listed on the e-textbook and run it through the Python editor (IDLE). Once you have executed the code, copy the code and complete the Study Drills #1 and #2 by making the necessary code revisions as indicated on each of the drills. You need to run the IDLE to execute the changes and review the program results.
You can use the Snipping tools or screen print (ctrl + Print Screen) to show the Pythons editor’s (IDLE) code and results and demonstrate that your program executed correctly.
Create a submission file named “ITM205-SLP4-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName” containing only the modified IDLE source code programs and running results marked with Exercise and Drill numbers on the page.
Write a summary document in Microsoft Word format named “ITM205-SLP4-Summary-YourFirstNameLastName” to show what you have accomplished.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials and apply what you have learned in this assignment will be assessed.
Assignment-Driven Criteria (12 points): Demonstrate mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.
Critical Thinking (6 points): Demonstrate mastery conceptualizing the problem. Solution is efficient, and easy to understand and maintain.
Documentation (4 points): Demonstrate clear and effective documentation and comments including descriptions of all variables, program logic, purpose of each function, control structure, input requirements, and output results.
Runtime and Syntax (4 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency in program execution with no syntax and runtime errors.
Assignment Organization (4 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency following the required structure and organization of the assignment.
In order to meet the all the expectations the following must be finished with good assignment organization:
Running examples: Demonstrate that you have finished reading all the required chapters, running all examples in the chapters, and collecting all running results to submit.
Coding exercises in Python: Demonstrate you have finished programming the exercises requested, running them, and collecting all the results to submit.
Summary document: Demonstrate mastery of required Python programming statements and ability to conceptualize the problem. Submit a well-written summary report to share what you have learned and experienced.