Description: [?]
Answer it discussion question individually and with much thought. Use 5 references
1.Would your coworkers consider you responsible for some of their success? Describe a situation where you were able to help a coworker achieve a professional goal.
2.How can knowing the professional goals of your colleagues be valuable?
3.How do you serve others in the profession of nursing? Explain how the way you serve others in the profession of nursing could become more closely aligned with the issue of serving as explained by the servant leadership paradigm. How does the issue of serving differ to the secular view of power?
4.Airline Communication brought to Healthcare (real scenario)
I attended a lecture on Thursday at work about a new project my hospital is doing in the emergency room. I was thinking how weird it was that my assignment for the week has to do with exactly the same thing; how I serve others. My health system is leaning on the skills of aviation to help us in dealing with communication and errors in the hospital. The airlines did such a great job in reducing errors and crashes that the health system thought they must be doing something right and may be able to help us. I know it seems like a hospital couldn’t possibly have anything in common with an airline but we do. If an airline makes a mistake it can costs lives and the same thing goes for the medical field.
In this lecture, Captain Barker and Captain Cyr (2011) discussed the importance of checklists. Before a plane takes off they have to go through a checklist to make sure everything has been done and is working properly. Some OR’s in the United States have adopted checklists related to them to help reduce errors and have seen great improvements. Barker and Cyr (2011) also discussed the concept of crew resource management (CRM). According to Barker and Cyr, CRM is communication strategies like active listening, advocacy, inquiry, SBAR reporting, and CUS (concerned, uncomfortable, safety) words. SBAR is a way of reporting which means situation, background, assessment, and recommendation. The CUS words start with concerned, uncomfortable, and safety. Anytime a doctor or other medical professional hears any of these words from their co-workers, they need to stop what they are doing and see what they can do to fix the situation. These are all things nurses, doctors, PA’s, and NP’s are to trial doing and see if errors are reduced and communication improves in the ED.
On an airplane, the captain depends on his coworkers to help him and to speak up if they see something that he does not see. The same goes for the healthcare field and nurses. Nurses and medical professionals need to work as a team and not be afraid to speak up if they see that something is not correct. It could save lives or prevent harm from coming to our patients. Barker and Cyr (2011) also discussed “team briefing” which is a time at the beginning of a shift or whenever time will permit to discuss what is going on in the unit on that day and a chance for coworkers to speak up.
Right now our unit is in the vulnerable stage and taking risks to see if this project is going to be successful. I think it has great possibilities and will improve things greatly in the ED if people will be willing to put forth the effort. I think it will improve staff satisfaction and patient satisfaction greatly. I can’t wait to see the results. For this to be a quality improvement project they had to come up with one common diagnosis in the ED to concentrate on improving communication and reducing errors. The diagnosis chosen is acute coronary syndrome.
****You are the lead educator for this project. The leader of the ED is very invested in this process and sees you as a threat. You report to a Director of Education who has given you the task of preparing the ED for success. You have two challenges: the manager and the education needs. Look at each challenge. Describe your plan to gain support and collegiality with