4 Mat Review
The 4-MAT Review is a way of responding to readings, lectures, and life experiences that requires you, the learner, to interact with new ideas on several levels. You will be writing based upon the McMinn text: Psychology, Theology and Spiritually in Christian Counseling. Please use the following format in preparing your 4-MAT Review, showing each of the four sections listed below with corresponding APA-style, Level 1 headers:
1.Summary. After listing the name of the book and author, summarize what you have read as if you were the author boiling down the book into 500 concise words. Prove that you comprehend the reading by writing a no-nonsense summary. The summary is not a commentary or listing of topics, but rather a gut-deep, insightful “pr?cis” of the longer, more elaborate book, which should be cited in text at least once per paragraph in which the book is discussed, and with page numbers for direct quotations. Summary equals “boiled down.”
2.Concrete Responses. Be vulnerable! In 250 words, relate a personal life episode that this book triggered in your memory. Relate your story in first person, describing action and quoting exact words you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, and confession. You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. What video memory began to roll? This is your chance to tell your story and generate new ideas.
3.Reflection. What new questions pop up for you in response to what you have read? Take notes as you read. Outsmart the author by asking better questions than he did. Begin with questions like, “What bothers me about this book?” Discuss the positives and negatives about the book. Please keep this section to about 250 words.
4.Action. What are you going to do about it? Describe in detail what you are going to say to a counselee, send as an email, or say to a friend. What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of what you have learned? Your response here is a matter of obedience first, questions later. Be precise in summarizing your action steps (limit these comments to about 200 words).
Provide an APA-style title page, making sure you show the title of the book reviewed, your name, and the institution [Liberty University]. You should also have a running head in the appropriate place and a page number on every page.
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