Final Program Evaluation Presentation
[WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]
Directions for Final Program Evaluation Presentation include the following:
This presentation will be structured as is common in professional meetings. This means that you should speak for 8 to 10 minutes using PowerPoint slides to illustrate key points. The detail and substance for those points should be generated primarily through your speaking and elaborations. Do not read directly from the slides. Since you will not be giving this presentation in front of a live audience, you are asked to submit the file as a screencast. You may use the software you are most comfortable with (Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, PowerPoint, etc.). For assistance, see the UAGC Guide: How to Create a Screencast Using PowerPointLinks to an external site., the Jing Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site., or the Screencast-O-Matic Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site.. If you want to use other resources, contact your instructor. Remember to include supportive imagery, and cite all images taken from an online resource. Creative CommonsLinks to an external site. and FlickrLinks to an external site. are great websites for open source images.
In your presentation,
Identify the program being evaluated.
Summarize that program.
Explain the purpose of the evaluation for this organization.
Identify the internal and external stakeholders along with the evaluation stakeholder workgroup (ESW) team.
Explain your created logic model for the organization.
Analyze your data sources and any barriers identified and how those barriers were overcome.
Explain your methods grid and ESW member responsibilities.
Hypothesize found answers to your five evaluation questions.
Explain your Communication Plan table and Communication Tracking
Critique the program and organization.
Close with recommendations.
For tips on creating an excellent presentation, review the Presentation TipsLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center.
For the Final Program Evaluation Presentation final project, complete the following:
Submit a one-page Word document with the following to WayPoint:
the active URL link to your video (or narrated PowerPoint), and
your list of references formatted in APA Style.
Use a screencast program (Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, PowerPoint, etc.) to create a video presentation addressing the above directives.
Your video must be 8 to 10 minutes in length, contain at least 10 slides, and address the requirements in the directions, and an active URL must be provided.
Use data, pictures, graphics, and other visual components to help support your content. The required tables do not count towards this component.
Use narration as the key mode of conveying information and avoid placing too much content on your slides.
Use at least eight credible sources support your work.
Document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide.
Include a separate references slide that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.