Final Program Evaluation Report
[WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read the following from the Developing an Effective Evaluation Report: Setting the Course for Effective Program EvaluationLinks to an external site. workbook: Step 6: Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned (pp. 30 to 38), and specifically focus on Pulling It All Together (pp. 39 to 41). Also review the MPH699 Final Paper Exemplar Download MPH699 Final Paper Exemplar. The format and organization in this exemplar is expected with your submission. Any formatting deviation will likely result in deductions.

A final evaluation report will be written for the concluding experience. While evaluation is an ongoing process, the term “final” in most cases refers to the last report of a funding period or the final report of a specific evaluation activity. This paper is a culmination of all of the work you have done in your previous journals and assignments to this point. Much of the work you placed into your previous assignments is directly transferable (with revisions made) to this report. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from your particular evaluation, including recommendations for how your evaluation results can be used to guide program improvement and decision-making.

The final report should describe the “What,” the “How,” and the “Why It Matters” questions about your program:

The “What” describes your program and how its purpose and activities are linked with the intended health outcomes.
The “How” addresses the process for implementing the health program and provides information about whether it is operating with fidelity to its design. The “How” (or process evaluation), along with output and/or short-term outcome information, helps to clarify whether and why changes were made during program activities.
The “Why It Matters” (sometimes referred to as the “So What” question) provides the rationale for your program and its impact on public health. The ability to demonstrate that your chosen program has made a difference is crucial to program sustainability.

See the MPH699 Final Paper Exemplar Download MPH699 Final Paper Exemplarfor a model of how to format this paper. By sharing with you a paper that earned an ‘A,’ any deviation from this example, whether it be in organization or by tables and charts included, will result in deductions.

For the Final Program Evaluation Report final project, you will develop at least a 20-page paper encompassing the following sections:

Title Page

On the title page,

Present the program name, dates covered, and possibly the basic focus of the evaluation in an easily identifiable format.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is written after you have completed your evaluation and should be placed immediately following the title page. The executive summary is typically 300 words or less. In this brief summary of the evaluation,

Summarize the program description, evaluation questions, design description, and key findings and action steps the organization can take towards improvement.

Intended Use and Users

In this section,

Determine the primary intended users (internal and external stakeholders) and the ESW and display their appropriate tables.
Describe purposes and intended uses of the evaluation.
This section fosters transparency about the purposes of the evaluation and who will have access to evaluation results and when. It is important to build a market for evaluation results from the beginning.

Program Description

In this section,

Discuss, in detail, the health issue of concern, the reason this program was developed, and how the program addresses the health issue.
List staff members, leadership tables, financial tables, and a logic model.
Determine the program’s stage of development.
Describe, in narrative form, the components included in the logic model.
This section leads to a shared understanding of the program, as well as the basis for the evaluation questions and how they were prioritized.

Evaluation Focus

This section should focus the evaluation by completing the following:

Identify your evaluation questions.
Prioritize evaluation questions on the basis of the logic model (display again) and program description, the program’s stage of development, program and stakeholder priorities, intended uses of the evaluation, and feasibility.

Data Sources and Methods

In this section,

Illustrate indicators and performance measures, data sources and rationale for selection of methods, and credibility of data sources.
Display your evaluation methods grid
Summarize your methods grid and include the completed table.
Critique your data sources and challenges to credibility.
Present data in a clear, concise manner to enhance readability and understanding.

Results, Conclusions, and Interpretation

In this section,

Determine the analysis processes and conclusions.
Hypothesize anticipated findings using your sources for support
This is a step that deserves due diligence in the writing process as it is often the most critical for stakeholders. The way results are worded helps to assure that all stakeholder values are respected in the process of drawing conclusions.
Include in the interpretation, anticipated answers to all evaluation questions,
Prescribe recommendations and action steps based upon your findings.
Typically, four to six ideas will be presented for how the organization or health program can improve.

Use, Dissemination, and Sharing Plan

The dissemination and sharing of your plan is an important but often neglected section of the evaluation plan and final report. In this section,

Include your Communication Plan table and your Communication Tracking
Explain the table and chart.
By including and discussing your Communication Plan table and Communication Tracking chart you can be certain that stakeholders will understand the processes that remain.
Ensure that your plans for your evaluation results include the communication of the methods from the beginning.

Tools for Clarity

In your evaluation report,

a table of contents,
a list of tables,
a list of charts and figures, and
a reference page.
Ensure your appendices are useful for full-size program logic models, models developed through the evaluation, the historical background, and success stories.
The Tools for Clarity section acts similar to an appendix and allows for all of your tables, charts, and models to exist in one location.

Example Evaluation: For additional assistance, beyond the Exemplar, consider reviewing the following example evaluation: Evaluation of State Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity PlansLinks to an external site..

The Final Program Evaluation Report final project

Must be at least 20 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
Student’s name
Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Due date
Must use at least eight credible sources, one of which must be your required CDC reading.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
Review the Integrating ResearchLinks to an external site. interactive for assistance of how to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.




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