For the discussion we had to answer:

Reflect on what you have learned in this course. What is one change you will make to your current practice based upon your knowledge gained in this course? What were the challenges and benefits of your project? Please provide a scholarly source to support your ideas.

FOR THE DISCUSSION I SAID (use this if this helps)

Electronic Health Records
Reflection on What I Have Learned
In this course, I have gained valuable insights into the intersection of information management and patient care technology. One key takeaway has been utilizing electronic health records (EHRs) to enhance patient outcomes and streamline healthcare processes. Understanding how to effectively document, store, and retrieve patient information through EHRs can significantly impact the quality and safety of patient care.
One Change in Current Practice
One change I will make in my current practice is to adopt a more structured approach to EHR documentation. I have realized that accurate and timely documentation is essential for continuity of care and effective communication among healthcare providers. By consistently keying patient information, assessments, and interventions into the EHR, I can contribute to a comprehensive patient record that supports collaborative care and reduces the risk of errors (F. Elharish et al., 2021).
Challenges of the Project
During the course project, I encountered challenges navigating the complexities of different EHR systems and understanding their unique features. Additionally, ensuring the security and privacy of patient information while using EHRs posed a challenge that required careful attention and adherence to healthcare regulations (Xiao et al., 2018). All this can hinder seamless patient information sharing among healthcare providers. Ensuring EHR security and privacy safeguards while utilizing technology can mitigate potential breaches and maintain patient confidentiality.

Benefits of the Project
Learning to navigate and use EHR systems effectively allowed me to see firsthand how technology can improve patient care. The increased accessibility to patient information, the ability to track trends in health data, and the potential for real-time communication among healthcare teams from different departments were some of the positive aspects that emerged from the project (Rajkomar et al., 2018).

F. Elharish, S., Denna, I., M. Maatuk, A., & K. Elberkawi, E. (2021). Application of Electronic Health Records in Polyclinics: Barriers & Benefits. International Conference on Data Science, E-Learning and Information Systems 2021.
Rajkomar, A., Oren, E., Chen, K., Dai, A. M., Hajaj, N., Hardt, M., Liu, P. J., Liu, X., Marcus, J., Sun, M., Sundberg, P., Yee, H., Zhang, K., Zhang, Y., Flores, G., Duggan, G. E., Irvine, J., Le, Q., Litsch, K., & Mossin, A. (2018). Scalable and accurate deep learning with electronic health records. Npj Digital Medicine, 1(1).
Xiao, C., Choi, E., & Sun, J. (2018). Opportunities and challenges in developing deep learning models using electronic health records data: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(10), 1419–1428.


In responding to your peers, please discuss how advancements in health information technology are making our healthcare system a system focused on safety. Identify one future trend in HIT.


This course has truly increased my knowledge about health information technology, how it impacts/improves patient safety, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the nursing profession. I appreciated that even with the evolution of technology in healthcare, we must still consider the ethical and legal implications of using technology to safeguard patients’ privacy and confidentiality. HIPPA applies to paper and electronic health information and must be followed by organizations (The HIPPA Journal, n.d.).

Even though almost all of us use some form of technology daily, it was interesting to research how vulnerable populations are affected by this change in healthcare and how nurses can assist them. For instance, geographic location affects patients’ use of health information technology. In rural areas particularly, there are several barriers to using telehealth platforms due to limited access to high-speed internet and smartphones, varying state requirements for licensing and credentialing of telehealth providers, lack of reimbursement, interoperability, and patients mistrust in technology (RHI Hub, n.d.). I was aware that rural areas face difficulties with accessing healthcare due to lack of specialists or having to travel far distances, but I thought that telehealth services would aid in bridging that gap. It just shows that improvements must be made to reach these geographical vulnerable population.

The elderly population was another vulnerable group that I appreciated researching. According to Caplan (2023), those aged 65 and older in the U.S. “grew nearly five times faster than the total population over the 100 years from 1920 to 2020” (para. 1). This spike in the elderly population is important to consider as nurses will be caring for more and more elderly patients and health information technology is a major part of care. Using telehealth services for these patients can improve their quality of life and care (Ash Wellness, n.d.). Assisting elderly patients in the use of health information technology is one area in which I would like to improve my nursing practice. I can educate and instruct the patient on using the patient portal to access health information and how to ask their provider questions directly. I can also learn how to enable large text, bold fonts, speech-activated tools, provide written and simple instructions, guide them with step-by-step prompts, and emphasize security and privacy (ACP Decisions, 2021). I can also instruct their family or caregivers on the importance of this technology and guide them through the process as well. This will empower elderly patients in engaging in care and maintaining their health.

For my project I chose to research smartphones in healthcare. I found it challenging to put my written milestones into a PowerPoint format. But I appreciated that we had the ability to do a similar PowerPoint presentation in module 4 which helped with putting this final project together. What I benefited most from researching the topic of smartphones was how advantageous they are to the nursing field. The ability for nurses to chart at the patient’s bedside, review clinical data, enhanced communication with providers/care team, tools such as flashlight, cameras, and drug references creates a more efficient workflow (Eysenbach & Buis, 2020). Using smartphones improves patient safety and outcomes but must be used strictly for patient care and not as a distraction.


ACP Decisions. (2021). Boost adoption of healthcare technology by seniors.

Ash Wellness. (n.d.). How does telehealth improve access to care for vulnerable populations.

Caplan, Z. (2023). U.S. older population grew from 2010 to 2020 at fastest rate since 1880 to 1890. United States Census Bureau.,were%20age%2065%20and%20over.

Eysenbach, G, & Buis, L. (2020). Nurses’ use of personal smartphone technology in the workplace: Scoping review. JMIR MHealth U Health. 8(11).

The HIPPA Journal. (n.d.). What is considered PHI under HIPPA?

Rural Health Information Hub (RHI Hub). (n.d.). Barriers to telehealth in rural areas.

Required Resources (this may help you or it may not. You might have to use other scholarly sources to help)

Textbook: Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Chapters 20

Additional Support (Optional):
Library Article:
This article details the use of virtual reality for assisting individuals with upper-limb prosthesis.
You may find this article informative as you review the material in this module.

This document was developed to address the diverse needs of healthcare delivery and to provide a framework for hospitals to use to develop practices to meet diverse patient needs.
You will find this helpful as you consider healthcare delivery strategies for vulnerable populations.

Library Article:
This is an interesting article concerning the use of virtual reality as a method to assist individuals recovering from stroke.
You may find this article informative as you review the material in this module.





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