Respond to two peer discussions- no citation needed.
Peer #1 – Kyle
The purpose of this week’s post was to provide perspective on the videos and website that
were posted for module 10. Each video offered valuable insights, instructional and interesting
content, and relevant information pertaining to the healthcare industry. The ability to establish a
connection with the website and videos enhanced my level of engagement and captivation. The
ever-evolving healthcare industry is driven by technological advancements and rising healthcare
1. The initial video, titled Sepsis Escape Room Training, aims to foster novel and
inventive approaches to enhancing the delivery of prompt care for patients affected by
sepsis (Penn State Health, 2019). The experience entails a practical simulated
scenario that replicates real-life challenges, hence offering heightened opportunities
to improve the prompt provision of care for persons diagnosed with sepsis (Penn
State Health, 2019). Simulation-based training enables healthcare personnel to engage
in skill development within a controlled setting, thereby mitigating any risks to real
patients, while acquiring practical experience and knowledge.
2. The Top 10 Medical Innovations video focuses on what will make clinical
differences, what is important for patient care, and what large clinical differences will
make in the next year (Cleveland Clinic, 2018). Among the top 10 innovations
mentioned, I found artificial intelligence (AI) to be the most captivating. AI in
healthcare is innovative, transformative, adaptive, and efficient. The future of
healthcare has a vast potential with transformative technology to improve patient
care. I am eager to experience the advancements in the healthcare industry through
the advancement of AI.
3. The main topic of Big Data in 5 Minutes is the vast volume of data that is being
generated. It was intriguing to read that within a span of one minute, a staggering 188
million emails are sent, 1 million Facebook posts are generated, and 2.1 million
snapchats take place (Simplilearn, 2019). The concept of big data storage in the
healthcare sector encompasses various components, including infrastructure, systems,
and processes, that are employed to store, manage, and analyze substantial quantities
of diverse and intricate healthcare data (Simplilearn, 2019).
4. The video clip titled How Big Data is Transforming Creative Commerce raises the
worry of the potential displacement of human roles by artificial intelligence (AI),
however, the complete replacement of the human role by AI is unlikely (PBS
NewsHour, 2019). The future of big data analysis is anticipated to be marked by a
collaborative relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (PBS
NewsHour, 2019). I was intrigued by the preference for the AI-generated scent over
the scent created by humans. Observing the extensive effort involved in creating a
fragrance was highly captivating.
5. Improving Public Health Through Community Design entails the development of
fostering physical activity, facilitating access to nutritious food options, promoting
social interaction, ensuring safety, and enhancing mental well-being (TEDx Talks,
2017). Part of transforming cities to healthier conditions includes civic engagement
by asking people what they want to see in their neighborhoods (TEDx Talks, 2017).
A built environment includes transportation, parks, and streetscapes, all of which
promote healthier cities and living environments.
6. How AI Could Change the Future of Medicine video was a quick synopsis of the
ever-evolving technology. AI will assist the medical field by triaging patients based
on importance, expand the power of medical imaging and assist in detecting
probabilities for diagnoses (TIME, 2022). While AI can improve patient care, the
need for human intervention will still be required. AI is an intriguing technology that
captivates my attention, particularly within the medical industry.
7. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) focuses on creating a future in which
each individual has a fair and just opportunity to attain their optimal health and
overall well-being (Confronting Structural Racism to Transform Health, 2024). The
RWJF strategic framework enables the potential to address systemic racism in
America thus providing the end goal for RWJF by eliminating systemic and structural
barriers, especially those related to structural racism.
The above-mentioned bullet points serve to emphasize the multidimensional nature of the
medical industry. Industry is always expanding and changing, offering limitless opportunities for
growth. I am privileged to be employed in the healthcare industry while simultaneously pursuing
additional education, gaining experience, and fostering personal development within the
healthcare profession.
Peer #2 – Shelby
The first video posted, "Sepsis Escape Room Training – Penn State Health" (2019), provided an intriguing outline of the sepsis process and how to prepare for and train individuals for a sepsis event. Personally, I believe that other hospitals and clinical settings would benefit from offering similar training programs. The second video, "Top 10 Medical Innovations: 2019 – Cleveland Clinic" (2018), was highly informative. The innovations discussed have the potential to significantly impact healthcare, with RNA-based therapies particularly catching my interest. This approach holds promise for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, although the idea of manipulating gene expression is both exciting and concerning.
The video "Big Data in 5 Minutes. What is Big Data? Simplilearn" (2019) provided educational insights. I was previously unaware of the 5 V’s of Big Data and how data can be stored and utilized to enhance disease detection processes. It is remarkable how such data can be leveraged to improve detection, treatment, and error prevention in healthcare. Similarly, "How Big Data is Transforming Creative Commerce – PBS" (2019) explored how harnessing big data can lead to digital disruptions and how industries are adapting to this phenomenon. The utilization of data analytics for targeted advertising, even in unconventional areas such as adult films, highlights both the potential and ethical concerns associated with big data applications.
"Improving Public Health Through Community Design – Gary Gaston" (2017) left a lasting impression on me. The discussion on how the structure of our environment can influence public health was eye-opening. Ensuring that communities facilitate outdoor exercise safely should be a priority, yet our current designs often fail to promote such activities. The "Built Environment and Health – Robert Wood Johnson Foundation" (2001-2018) was particularly noteworthy for its dedication to planning and designing communities that support public health. Their focus on challenging structural racism to positively impact communities is commendable.