The Role of the DNP-Prepared Nurse Leader as Mentor
Nursing leaders acknowledge the relationship between strong mentorship and retention of nursing staff. Mentorship programs are valuable in supporting the transition to practice for the novice nurse. The purpose of this assignment is to explore the role of the DNP-prepared nurse leader in mentoring in one chosen population (i.e., new nurse mentoring, academic mentoring, clinical mentoring, new leader mentoring, etc.) within today’s complex healthcare system environment.
For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that examines the role of the DNP-prepared nurse leader as a mentor.
The presentation should include the following components: 
1. Title slide (Include the same information as on a title page of a paper—1 slide.)—Note: The speaker notes must be present to earn points in this section AND must contain the script of the introduction you would give if you were speaking to an audience.
a. Title of assignment
b. Student name
c. Chamberlain University College of Nursing
d. Course number and course name
e. Session month and year
2. Content slides—Note: The speaker notes must be present to earn points in this section AND must contain the script of the presentation you would give if you were speaking to an audience.
a. Objective and definition (2-4 slides)
i. State the objectives of the presentation (what you want the audience to learn about mentoring for your chosen population (i.e., new nurse mentoring, academic mentoring, clinical mentoring, new leader mentoring, etc.) as a result of viewing the presentation).
ii. Define the concept of mentorship.
iii. Examine the influence of mentoring on nurse retention, nurse satisfaction, and professional development for your chosen population (i.e., new nurse mentoring, academic mentoring, clinical mentoring, new leader mentoring, etc.).
b. Impact, benefits, and rationale (4-5 slides)
i. Evaluate the benefits of mentoring to the mentee, mentor, and the organization relative to your chosen population (i.e., new nurse mentoring, academic mentoring, clinical mentoring, new leader mentoring, etc.).
ii. Defend why mentoring is crucial in today’s complex healthcare systems.
3. Conclusion (1 slide)—Note: The speaker notes must be present to earn points in this section AND must contain the script of the presentation you would give if you were speaking to an audience.
a. Includes a summary of the value of mentoring relationships.
b. Includes a summary of why mentoring can be effective in today’s complex healthcare environment.
4. References slide(s)—Note: No speaker notes are required for the references slide(s).
a. Create a separate reference slide(s).
b. References and citations must be in correct APA format and quotations must be annotated correctly. Ensure each reference has a matching citation.
c. Support your position by using evidence from at least three (3) scholarly peer-reviewed journal sources (preferably research or systematic reviews) that are retrieved from the Chamberlain library databases. Do not use textbooks, government sources, or organizational websites for the three scholarly sources in this assignment.
Presentation Requirements 
• Length: 8-11 slides, not including title slide or references slide(s)
• Concise slides with limited bullet points and text:
o Use of bullets rather than paragraphs to divide content
o No more than 5-6 bullet points per slide
o No more than 5-6 words per bullet
o Use of appropriate graphics or images
o No excessive white space
• Speaker notes for the main content or script that supports each slide (The speaker notes are your presentation to the audience.)
• Consistent color schemes and font style and size on each slide
o Generally, 25-30 font size—Font size may be adjusted, especially in the references slide(s).
o No distracting colors or font styles (e.g., neon colors or italic script font) that make viewing difficult/unclear
• In-text citations for the following:
o Any quote, paraphrase, image, graph, table, or data used on the slides
o Any source that is cited in the speaker notes
• Headings on each slide
• Standard English usage and mechanics
• Organized presentation of concepts 
Program Competencies
This assignment enables the student to meet the following program competencies:
2. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
4. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)
5. Analyzes health care policies to advocate for equitable health care and social justice to all populations and those at risk due to social determinants of health. (POs 2, 9)
6. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)
8. Leads others in professional identity, advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, resilience, and accountability in selecting, implementing, and evaluating clinical care. (POs 1, 4)
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Evaluate the attributes of effective communication practices that build collaborative relationships and balance the concerns of individuals with organizational goals. (PCs 5, 6; POs 2, 8)
2. Create collaborative relationships with interprofessional and interprofessional groups to champion organizational strategies and goals. (PCs 2, 4, 5, 6; POs 2, 6, 8)
3. Analyze the role of the nurse leader in financial management, human resource management, strategic management, and information management at the micro, meso, and macrosystem levels. (PCs 2, 4, 5, 6, 8; POs 2, 4, 6, 8, 9)




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