The impact the identified issue has on healthcare in an Australian and/or global context

disscussion paper Research Paper

The purpose of this discussion paper is to enable transition students to acquire insight into the contemporary issues in nursing at a national and international level and to demonstrate effective consolidation of nursing theory and practice, in preparation for transition into the professional nursing workforce. Document Preview:

Assessment 5: Professional Nursing Issue Discussion Paper Length: 1200 words Weighting: 50% Due Date: Week 15, Saturday 3rd November 1700hrs Overview The purpose of this discussion paper is to enable transition students to acquire insight into the contemporary issues in nursing at a national and international level and to demonstrate effective consolidation of nursing theory and practice, in preparation for transition into the professional nursing workforce. Details Students are required to identify and critically analyse one contemporary nursing issue impacting on the profession as highlighted in the current nursing literature.

The discussion should also include the impact the identified issue has on healthcare in an Australian and/or global context. The essay must be supported by at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the identified nursing issue. The essay must be submitted through Turnitin as per School policy (refer to Submission Requirements section of this Learning Guide). A hard copy of your essay will then be submitted into your tutors designated assessment box on your home campus, along with a copy of the complete Turnitin Report and marking criteria. Resources i. Annotated examples will be available on the vUWS site. ii.

There are a number of textbooks available through the UWS Library that will assist you to identify a nursing issue. However, please ensure that your critical analysis of your identified issue is contextualised to a global and/or Australian perspective. That is, your discussion should not focus on another country. Marking criteria and standards (over page) 7 400764 T R A N S I T I O N T O G R A D U A T E P R A C T I C E CRITERIA The introduction clearly states the MARK S P R I N G Assessment Item 5: Professional Nursing Issue Discussion Paper Marking Criteria and Standards Guide HIGH DISTINCTION DISTINCTION CREDIT PASS 5-4 3.5 3 2.5 Introduction is clear and Attachments: assesment.docx




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